OpenPlant Modeler Help

Selection Range

  1. Selection Tree

    Click on a list entry to select the dimensioning group or the component part assignment you want to work on.

    When it is a matter of add-on dimensions in groups, the possible assignments of component part types and sizes, which can be dimensioned separately, are displayed in the list. When it is a matter of production dimensions at single parts, all selected detailings are displayed which can be dimensioned.

  2. Dimensioning Area

    Here, you select the dimensioning area and the reference direction where the component parts in question have to be dimensioned.

    Area Selection
    Global In principle, the component parts are dimensioned in the global area, i.e. outside of the component part group and with the alignment of the main part.
    Local In principle, the component parts are dimensioned in the local area, i.e. with the alignment of the corresponding reference part.
    Global+Local If the component part in question is directly connected to the main part of the group, it will be dimensioned in global area. On the other hand, if it is connected to another subpart, it will be dimensioned in the local area of this part.
    Global+Ignore The component part in question is dimensioned in global area, if it is directly connected to the main part of the group.  Otherwise, it will not be dimensioned.
    Ignore+Global The component part in question is not dimensioned, if it is directly connected to the main part of the group. Otherwise, it will be dimensioned in global area.
    Ignore+Local The component part in question is not dimensioned, if it is directly connected to the main part of the group. Otherwise, it will be dimensioned in the local area.
    According to Ref. The component part is dimensioned according to the reference direction of the area selection.
    Horizontal The component part is always dimensioned in horizontal and/or in vertical direction, independent of its reference part.However, this option is not available for all cases.
  3. Decrease Order of Precedence

    Click on this button to move the selected entry one place down. If a dimensioning group has been selected here, the complete group will be moved. Otherwise, the component part will be moved within the dimensioning group.

    If there are several dimensioning chains per page, the list order corresponds to the order of the dimensioning chains in the drawing. Special dimensions will always be added to the part at the end, even if they are placed at another position.

  4. Increase Order of Precedence

    Click on this button to move the selected entry one place up. If a dimensioning group has been selected here, the complete group will be moved. Otherwise, the component part will be moved within the dimensioning group.

    If there are several dimensioning chains per page, the list order corresponds to the order of the dimensioning chains in the drawing. Special dimensions will always be added to the part at the end, even if they are placed at another position.

  5. Linear/Radial Dimensioning Direction

    Here, you select whether you want to work on the settings for linear or radial (bent) dimensioning chain. You work on the settings the symbol of which is currently displayed. 

    Selection symbol for Linear / Radial

  6. Primary/Secondary View

    Here, you select whether you want to work on the settings for primary or secondary view. You work on the settings the symbol of which is currently displayed.

    Selection symbol for Primary / Secondary

  7. Varies:

    1. Normal/Aligned Dimensioning (7, Single parts and Groups tabs)

      Here, you select whether you want to work on the settings for normal or aligned subpart dimensioning. Normal dimensioning is assigned to the global or to the local area, depending on selection, and the aligned dimensioning is independent of this. You work on the settings the symbol of which is currently displayed.

      Selection symbol for Normal / Aligned

    2. Outside/Inside Area (7, Views tab)

      Here, you select whether you want to work on the settings for outside or inside area at overviews. You work on the settings the symbol of which is currently displayed.

      Selection symbol for outside / inside area

  8. Sum Up Dimensions

    Here you select whether the component parts summed up in a common dimensioning group have to be dimensioned together, too or whether a separate dimensioning chain has to be created for each part.